Real Estate Lead Generation Strategies for 2024: Smart Partnerships

Published January 3, 2024 by Real Estate Leads
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Here we are again at the start of a new year, and if you’re someone who is new to working as a real estate agent in Canada we imagine that part of your resolve as 2024 begins is that you’re going to have greater success in your chosen profession this year. If there is one thing you’ve likely learned over the course of the last year and beyond it is that real estate is an extremely competitive business, and there is never going to be enough clientele to go around and have every agent being entirely satisfied with the number of clients they have to work with. This is why knowing how to generate leads for real estate is so important.

We’ve gone at length here about how you need to take a multi-tiered approach to lead generation for real estate, and that means that you don’t take just one singular approach. Using an online real estate lead generation system here at Real Estate Leads definitely has its merits, and it is a resource that wouldn’t have been available to previous generations of real estate agents. The power of Internet marketing is considerable, and that’s how online leads for real estate agents are generated in the way they are.

So you’re encouraged to purse paid real estate leads, but you need to expand your horizons with real estate lead generation ideas and building smart partnerships as a real estate agent. That’s what we’re going to focus on with our first blog entry of the year here. Go through them at your leisure, but we should say before continuing that no one is going to be able or willing to incorporate all these suggestions into their efforts.

But it is more than likely that at least a few of these partnership ideas line up well with what you’ll be able to do as you aim to generate leads for real estate. You will do well to try them and see if they help with building a real estate client base more quickly.

Smart Partnerships

There is much to be gained from networking with other local businesses to form mutually beneficial partnerships. Ideas can include co-hosting happy hours, giving gifts to clients or leads, or forming local alliances. The last one of those 3 is the one we think is the best, and so that’s where we will put most of our focus.

  • Insurance Companies

Homeowners will almost always purchase home insurance, for obvious reasons. There will also be homebuyers who want to turn their new properties into rentals or businesses of other sorts. Having connections in the industry can facilitate these transitions and promote them occurring much more regularly.

  • Personal Bankers

Having their home be the largest financial investment a person ever makes is nearly always the case. A personal banker can run numbers and double-check affordability for them, and it makes sense for you to have referral contacts with someone who works in arranging financing for prospective home buyers. This can help guide buyers to the best loan options.

  • Commercial Lenders

Loan officers are an integral part of the home-buying process, and the rationale in making these contacts is the same one as above for personal bankers. It is definitely good to build relationships with commercial lenders.

  • Landscapers

This is a less-common suggestion, but when you consider that many people who are looking to improve their property before listing will have a landscaper working for them it makes more sense. You may also want to try to establish a referral contact arrangement with a local landscaping service that is reputable and appears to do a lot of business in your area.

  • Home Stagers

There are increasing numbers of home staging services where experts will provide the direction and whatever is needed to make a home look as best as possible for prospective buyers, working on the understanding that a first impression is everything.

Those who have worked with many such clients may be a good contact for you when it comes to ways to generate leads for real estate. In particular there may be instances where a former client took a home off the market and they’ve become aware of their intention to re list it but preferably with another realtor. If you can become aware of this information first it creates a potential opportunity for you to be first in touch with them.

  • Title Companies

Each day hundreds of individuals across the country contact a Title Search office to determine ownership of properties of all sorts. A real estate agent will be very familiar with how this works and all the different interests a person may have when reaching out to someone to do a title search for them. Some of these may preclude the possibility of them buying or selling a home, or a commercial real estate property. If you are able to establish a referral partnership with one or more title search offices and be the realtor they speak of when meeting these clients it can do a lot for building a real estate client base

  • Storage Providers

This is the last one we’ll mention with smart partnerships as a means of lead generation for real estate. It may seem the like least logical of the bunch, and perhaps it is. But one thing that even seasoned realtors may not know is that homeowners who are humming and hawing about selling a home because they’re not sure of where they are moving to next will on occasion inquire about putting their belongings in storage.

This can be especially true if the owner is overly motivated to sell for whatever reason. They may see putting their household belongings into storage as a worthwhile expensive even though it’s a nuisance. There could be the opportunity for you to work with them if they haven’t agreed to work with a realtor yet, and even if they have it might be sometime before they decide to work with a realtor when buying a new home in the future. See if you can get to know a storage provider, and you can recommend their service in the same way they can recommend you as a real estate agent.

Sign up with Real Estate Leads here and receive a quota of qualified, online-generated buyer and / or seller leads that are delivered only to you. Being the only realtor to receive the leads gives you the perfect opportunity to reach out to these couples or individuals first and present yourself as a reputable realtor who is ready to help guide them through the home buying or home selling process for maximum return. Read our testimonials from agents like you who have discovered the benefits for themselves, and Happy New Year to all of you.